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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanny Curve

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Does anyone know why Easton decided to not make the shanahan curve in a OPS, I personally thought it was a popular curve...guess they didnt think so huh? I noticed mission stopped with the cole too which is pretty much the same curve. Does any one know if they will bring these back to a OPS???

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You might have wanted to put this in the Ice Hockey section. Usually things like this go there.


No official word. I'm sure the manufacturers have sales numbers they go by. Possibly seemed popular to you, but in the larger scheme of things, it might not have done well. Also, other blades that have some similar characteristics might be slightly more popular, and since they are close in pattern or what not, they just go with the more popular blade. Case in point, the new Heatley Easton seems to be a long square toed blade. Less curve, but same idea. Also, I think the Lidstrom is similar, and that is more popular.

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Shanny OPS's are very unpopular around here. We have so many of the blades left too. The only Shanny's that sell are the wood ones, and they usually have a shorter blade than the composite and also have more loft and curve to them, such that they are more mid, than toe curves.

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No, it will be a new retail pattern. Check out the Easton Catalogue '06 Review in the Ice Hockey section...should be on top of all the rest under the "Pinned" threads.

People are saying the Heatley will be basically an Iginla with an square toe and slightly longer.

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Yeah I saw already... it's longer but its a 5 lie, i use a 6 lie so it might be a little different. I tried a Sakic which is a 5.5 and I didnt like it and I also have a Marco Sturm pro stock Z-Carbon which is a 5, I just have some trouble stickhandling with it but my shots are good...hmmm maybe i'll have to give it a try.

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Yeah I saw already... it's longer but its a 5 lie, i use a 6 lie so it might be a little different. I tried a Sakic which is a 5.5 and I didnt like it and I also have a Marco Sturm pro stock Z-Carbon which is a 5, I just have some trouble stickhandling with it but my shots are good...hmmm maybe i'll have to give it a try.

I'm right there with you dude.

I've been a Shanny curve user for over 10 years!! I can't stand the thought of switching to a new curve. I've tried and it will take me 6 months to 1 year to get used to a new one.

The Bauer P10 - Gagne is the absolute closest thing I've found to the Shanny.

Hope that helps.

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I recently went from a sakic to shanahan because of the lower lie. (although they seem pretty similar elsewise). I guess I'll have to go back to sakic.

Funny, I use to use an Iginla curve, but found it hard to find and thought it wasn't popular, so went with the sakic as it's more available.

Oh well, at least they are all fairly similar. :rolleyes:

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Yeah I had the sakic z-carbon when it was a 6 lie and I liked it alot, but since they switched it to a 5.5, I found trouble with it and dont like it anymore. Never tried an Iggy but hear good things, but thats also a 5.5...hmmm I dunno

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The Bozek pattern from Gear is supposed to be a Shanny clone. The main problem is that it's made by Gear. I haven't bought one, but I just don't trust it to be terribly good quality.

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The Bozek pattern from Gear is supposed to be a Shanny clone. The main problem is that it's made by Gear. I haven't bought one, but I just don't trust it to be terribly good quality.

I bought a couple and am not impressed. I'm not a composite blade user though and have no real frame of reference. I couldn't feel the puck on my blade if my life depended on it with the gear, but like I said, I'm not a composite blade guy to begin with. Also, the blade tennon is a little small, so I had to put a piece of tape over it...no big deal. The Bozek is pretty much a shanny clone though.

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Yeah I saw already... it's longer but its a 5 lie, i use a 6 lie so it might be a little different. I tried a Sakic which is a 5.5 and I didnt like it and I also have a Marco Sturm pro stock Z-Carbon which is a 5, I just have some trouble stickhandling with it but my shots are good...hmmm maybe i'll have to give it a try.

How is that Sturm blade, since I am thinking of picking up a couple. And did you get it from Power Play in San Jose?

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Yeah I saw already... it's longer but its a 5 lie, i use a 6 lie so it might be a little different. I tried a Sakic which is a 5.5 and I didnt like it and I also have a Marco Sturm pro stock Z-Carbon which is a 5, I just have some trouble stickhandling with it but my shots are good...hmmm maybe i'll have to give it a try.

How is that Sturm blade, since I am thinking of picking up a couple. And did you get it from Power Play in San Jose?

You in San Jose?

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The sturm blade is good, its kinda stiff. The one I have doesnt have the focus flex... I just dont like the lie on it, altho I can fire slapshots with it, stickhandling is tough, for me anyway. And no i'm not from Cali i'm from Illinois, my LHS gets Sturm, Darby, and Rolston pro stocks all the time. But only in that z-carbon non-focus flex blade, haven't seen a OPS or wood blades.

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Yeah I saw already... it's longer but its a 5 lie, i use a 6 lie so it might be a little different. I tried a Sakic which is a 5.5 and I didnt like it and I also have a Marco Sturm pro stock Z-Carbon which is a 5, I just have some trouble stickhandling with it but my shots are good...hmmm maybe i'll have to give it a try.

How is that Sturm blade, since I am thinking of picking up a couple. And did you get it from Power Play in San Jose?

You in San Jose?

Are you in SJ?

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Yeah I saw already... it's longer but its a 5 lie, i use a 6 lie so it might be a little different. I tried a Sakic which is a 5.5 and I didnt like it and I also have a Marco Sturm pro stock Z-Carbon which is a 5, I just have some trouble stickhandling with it but my shots are good...hmmm maybe i'll have to give it a try.

How is that Sturm blade, since I am thinking of picking up a couple. And did you get it from Power Play in San Jose?

You in San Jose?

Are you in SJ?

Haha yes, I am!

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Do you play at rollin ice? (or somewhere else?)

Yes, Rollin Ice...ever since it opened. I'm 35 so unless your in that range...I probably don't play against you! =)

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37 here, but I'm a little south, in monterey. I have visited rollin ice a few times....nice place. I'd like to come up for a pickup some time.

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OK, so I'm going to revive what seemed to be a dead topic.

Tonight I went to the rink and tried my SAKIC curve blade for the first time in forever, and i just kept launching the puck into the rafters. I checked epuck.com and hockeygiant.com for their views of the shanny curve compared to the sakic:


Name-Curve Type-Curve Depth-Face Angle-Lie-Toe Shape-length

Sakic-Mid-Moderate-Slightly Open-5.5-Round-???

Shanahan-Toe-Deep-Slightly Open-6-Square-???


Sakic-Mid-Moderate-Slightly Open-5.5-Round-medium

Shanahan-Mid-Moderate-Slightly Open-6-Square-Long

As you can see, they are both don't compare the curve type and depth. So what is the closet curve to a shanny? If easton is no longer making it, I may go buy all the blades I can find.

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Sakic has a roundish toe, Shanny square...and I feel the curve on the Shanny is much bigger than the curve on the Sakic. The Sakic is much more, "gentle" than the Shanny deep curve IMHO.

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I used the Shanny curve for many years and loved it. After the newer generation of Easton OPS came out (Stealths, SLs, STs) I tried the Sakic curve and found out that it improved my wristshot and I can stickhandle way better presumably due to the round toe. Also downgrading my lie did wonders for my game.

I do have a lot of unused RH Shanny curves that I will be having a firesale on as soon as I get a digital camera. Synthesis composites, two Si-Cores (grip and regular), and a few other Synergys. PM if interested or look in the Sell section sometime in January.

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I do have a lot of unused RH Shanny curves that I will be having a firesale on as soon as I get a digital camera. Synthesis composites, two Si-Cores (grip and regular), and a few other Synergys. PM if interested or look in the Sell section sometime in January.

Just PM'd you. Thanks

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