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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission 10000 Gloves

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If there was enough interest, I'm sure it would be possible. Oh no, not again. I didn't say that.

Oh, please do.

Do you mean if there was enough interest in a custom order or enough lobbying for them to be available at the retail level?

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If there was enough interest, I'm sure it would be possible. Oh no, not again. I didn't say that.

Oh, please do.

Do you mean if there was enough interest in a custom order or enough lobbying for them to be available at the retail level?

They are available at the retail level....

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If there was enough interest, I'm sure it would be possible. Oh no, not again. I didn't say that.

Oh, please do.

Do you mean if there was enough interest in a custom order or enough lobbying for them to be available at the retail level?

They are available at the retail level....

I've never seen any high end Mission glove in nylon at a retail store...pro-returns and custom orders don't count.

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So, I finally got the chance to use my 10000's on Tuesday for the first time, and I am indeed blown away by them. When I first stepped on the ice I had people telling me "nice gloves, where'd you get em?" or "sick gloves dude, I want em, how much they cost ya?" to the point where people tried stealing them off my hands haha...fine product ya got here Mission Hockey!!!!

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So, I finally got the chance to use my 10000's on Tuesday for the first time, and I am indeed blown away by them. When I first stepped on the ice I had people telling me "nice gloves, where'd you get em?" or "sick gloves dude, I want em, how much they cost ya?" to the point where people tried stealing them off my hands haha...fine product ya got here Mission Hockey!!!!

Sounds really nice! :P

How do you find the fit, compared to other gloves you've been using? :blink:

I'm getting mine any day now, i can't wait...

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