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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Flex chart for child size

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A youth organization has made a large purchase of sticks, and they were curious if we knew of any chart that shows optimal flex for child size - to help them order properly.

I recognize this is a personal preference, but the coaches have noticed many of the kids that they think should use junior sticks are asking for intermediate, and so on. Does anyone know of any chart that could help them?


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Charts are just guides. There are so many variables in flex selection, and of course youth sizes. For example, I have quite a few 10yo wearing size 9 skates and 44" waists! Big boys who could snap a 50 flex in a heartbeat. I use body weight as a guide. 80 lbs or less 50 flex, 80-110 70 flex, 110-150, 85 flex. 150-180, 90 flex and 190 and above 100 flex and up. You also have to consider style. Players thast have just a wrist shot can get by with less flex.

Way too complicated to come up with a "workable chart". Plus when you consider cutting 2 in off a stick adds 3lbs flex, that changes aspect altogether.

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