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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 months ago i broke my collarbone and was told id have to miss the year of hockey ,i said bullshit .6 1/2 weeks later i got a doctors apointment and got released to play .The team had all the cards full so my coach pulled strings ,yada yada yada tonight i had my first icetime since i broke my collarbone. Anywho ,i felt fine and was skating like 10% better then before i hurt myself which was odd but i lost my shot ,hands and passing ,is this normal? its freaking me out and i hope i can just kinda get my hands back. anyways thanks

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yah ofcourse you will be rusty in the first 3-5 ice times dun worry too much about it and make sure you in shape. Also try to get on the ice 5-10 min before practice to work on you shooting. At home try practicing stickhanding with a golf ball or even better (if you have) a colored stick handling ball. Good Luck

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Hey Bruin. I broke my collar bone a week ago. Good to hear you're up and running after 6.5 weeks. From what I've learned, on average it's a 6-8 week recovery time.

A few questions:

1. Luckily my break was clean and the bone didn't move much. Same for you?

2. How old are you? Youth heal quicker. I'm 34 so that may add on another week or so.

3. How long did you wear the sling?

4. About when did you start moving you arm?

5. When did you start exercising it?

Thanks for helping me understand what to expect.



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Hey Bruin. I broke my collar bone a week ago. Good to hear you're up and running after 6.5 weeks. From what I've learned, on average it's a 6-8 week recovery time.

A few questions:

1. Luckily my break was clean and the bone didn't move much. Same for you?

2. How old are you? Youth heal quicker. I'm 34 so that may add on another week or so.

3. How long did you wear the sling?

4. About when did you start moving you arm?

5. When did you start exercising it?

Thanks for helping me understand what to expect.



1)my collar bone was shaped like this---> ^

2)15 6.5 weeks i was released but my doctor said i was prolly good for a week before that

3)i wore a sling for about 3 weeks ,with some breaks to rest my neck and i slept without it

4) about 3 weeks ,i still hurt when i throw or do pushups or benchpress among other things but for everyday activaty its fine

5)at 3 weeks i was lifting it slowly and moving it around slowly ,dont move or jerk it too fast

hope it feals better man

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Thanks for the info!

I'd write a longer thank you note, but one handed typing is very slow :-)

Im guessing you brok ethe collarbone on your dominent arm? I did too ,but i play guitar so my left fingers are decently coordinated and such. Its a pain when your typing something big though.

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great to see a speedy recovery! a week ago my brothers clavicle (collarbone) slipped out of place and was pushing up onto his ac tendon. Hes a goalie, and the physio said it is a very common hockey injury (weird that he did it playing rugby!) but anyway the whilst the a&e said give it a week it was just a muscle strain the physio saw the actual problem and gave him workouts to do to help his recovery, 6-8 weeks. Which is around the same time as bruins88's. But it goes to show that its better to get a second opinion, because if you only take one you could end up with a problem for a lifetime, rather than 6-8 weeks!

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great to see a speedy recovery! a week ago my brothers clavicle (collarbone) slipped out of place and was pushing up onto his ac tendon. Hes a goalie, and the physio said it is a very common hockey injury (weird that he did it playing rugby!) but anyway the whilst the a&e said give it a week it was just a muscle strain the physio saw the actual problem and gave him workouts to do to help his recovery, 6-8 weeks. Which is around the same time as bruins88's. But it goes to show that its better to get a second opinion, because if you only take one you could end up with a problem for a lifetime, rather than 6-8 weeks!

yeah ,dont go by one doctors opinion ,when i first brok eit the x ray guy said it would be 6-8 weeks ,then i got a 2nd opinion and they said it would be a few months(i got pulled from hockey for the year) and then i got a check up 6 1/2 weeks after i broke it and the doctor said it was fine and just as strong.

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When it first happened I went to emergency. It happened at 6:30 in the morning so the hospital wasn't too busy. I saw the x-ray and even my untrained eye could see an obvious break. In about 5 weeks I'll go to a clinic to get another x-ray that I'll go over with my doctor to make sure the bone is okay.

As soon as I'm able to move it without pain I'll start working on the strength...slowly.

I had a shoulder dislocation before and found moving my arm while standing in a swimming pool neck deep was very good for rehab.

Gotta love injuries...I think I've had more than my fair share:

Cracked rib

Dislocated shoulder

Broken collar bone

Sprained knee

Torn ligaments in thumb

And that's just the last four years!

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