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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How can I get stickers off my helmet?

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Or just use black electrical tape. If something was to happen you can just peel it off and get warranty, but all in all it looks the same as it would taking them off.

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I'd just put black electrical tape over it. No voiding of warranty and when you go to sell it (if you do) it won't have all the logos off of it. Not to mention it looks just as good IMO. B)

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Nail polish remover works fine.

any glue left use Goo Gone or Old English furnature polish (what Goo gone really is)

Don't use chemicals

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I'm not sure how harmful goo gone is, but DON"T USE NAIL POLISH REMOVER!!!

Nail Polish remover typically contains Acetone. Acetone can do very bad things to plastics.

Did you know if you drop a piece of styrofoam in straight acetone it will disolve almost instantly. No think about the padding inside your helmet. It's not styrofoam, but it's not that far removed. (EPP foam reminds me alot of styrofoam.) A little slop or spill and your helmet may become a very expensive science learning experience.

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I'm not sure why you want to remove the stickers as it voids the warranty but if you still want to go ahead i suggest boiling some water in a kettle, remove the cover and steam your helmet (not too close) until the stickers get soggy. The stickers will peel away quite easily by doing this.

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