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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle hockey bags ?

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I've searched and seen good reviews for the Eagle bags, and also see that they are a little shorter than standard bags - some sites say 32" (e.g. epuck), some 31" (Eagle), either way 4 or 5 inches shorter than what I have now, which is important since my present bag always gets caught when I'm walking into my house.

The Eagle website lists an "Import" bag, and a "Player bag". Can someone fill me in on the differences between the two, I understand that the Player bag is made of "Sterling" and is super-strong, is it much more durable than the Import bag( which seems to be a of different but maybe nicer looking material) ?? Any other features that I should pay attention to ?

Lastly - does anyone know of a place in Canada that stocks either bag ? I've looked around, struck out all around Toronto. I'd like to avoid ordering it from the US and paying the bag's value again in brokerage... I know Goalie Heaven stocks pro-return Penguin bags, but they seem to be longer than either bag listed in the Eagle catalogue.

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The import bag is a chinese one. Similar to most other bags, fabric. The player bag is pretty sweet. Its a pro level bag, warrantied for 2 years against cuts or zippers breaking, and its made out of vinyl. We ordered them for the teams at my rink, and they came out sweet.

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Actually, the import bag is not similar to most other bags. 

Although it is "fabric", it is actually made from a 1200D Cordura, not the cheaper 420D/600D Nylon.

Interesting. Is the player bag still significantly stronger/better made/more expensive than the import bag ?

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I got mine a couple of years ago and it's holding up amazingly well. I'll get another when this one dies.

My buddy just ordered one from Pete's Sports in London, ON and they got it in about three days for him. He picked it up from the store.

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I got mine a couple of years ago and it's holding up amazingly well. I'll get another when this one dies.

My buddy just ordered one from Pete's Sports in London, ON and they got it in about three days for him. He picked it up from the store.

I'm assuming you meant the Sterling one ? Do you know how much it cost ?

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