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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just spent a lot of money on equipment

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This past week I bought a Reebok Helmet with a chrome Jofa Cage, a Stealth Grip, Inno 1100 1-pc, and a M1 Grip (for my best friend for X-Mas)

So all together I spent a good $500+ on stuff :huh:

That might not be a lot of money to some of you but I dont really buy equipment that often and when I do its just something like a new pair of gloves or a stick every few months. But I figured hey I'm working hard and saving money so I'm allowed to treat myself to some nice stuff every now and then. Besides how does the saying go? Its better to recieve than to give or something like that... ;)

anyway, theres not any real point to this post other than to justify the money I just spent that I probably should have saved for school and a new car lol

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When I got back into hockey after a 14-year break, and I spent a similar amount, I called my mother up and told her, "Mom, you have no idea how much I respect you for what you did."

She told me it was always scary dipping into savings to pay for some activity for her children, but she thought it was better that they have something constructive to do.

You said there's not much point to your post, and maybe there's not much to mine, but to some of the younger members, try to appreciate the sacrifices your parents make for you. I didn't when I was younger; I took it all for granted.

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