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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm vector v130

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went to the game saturday night and after the game was over I dropped on by the calgery bench (four seats over from me) and asked the stefan yelle or how ever you spell his name for a stick. Well he gave me his stick he broke that game that was on the bench and it was a vector v130 and was broken down the shaft by the M of CCM not far up. I dont know if I should use it or not. The neat part was my stick broke in my game the night before 26 seconds into my first shift so I am in need of a stick. What would be the value of somthing like this or should I just use it?....Its a pretty sick stick too

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haha thanks guys! yea that me! héhé, i'm buying everything just to try to find my perfect stick lol...i'm getting very ''gear whore''(if that is the term) lol

Anyways your true1 is still going strong...so i'm not buying total shit lol!

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i was mostly kidding,anyways sorry(i'm french) what does means scavenging?

It means you put mayonnaise on your fries.

Oh sorry, you want to know what scavenging means. It means to look for, or to go through something, usually for something little, like scraps or left overs. Simple definition.

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With my easton shafts, I turn them around and put a blade in the end where my but end was and cut off the broken original blade. Could you do this with a ccm? Put an easton blade in the but end of the stick? I already put a wood plug in the cut end where the old blade was cause it broke there originally

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the v130 i have is cut 1-1.5 inches below the m

takes tapered blades perfectly.

cut it, give it a try.. you got nothing to lose...

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That's kinda cheap of Yelle to give a broken stick. I guess he doesn't have to give anything, but he coulda been cool and given you a good one.

I also hate when little kids lean over and try to get hi-5s from players, and they just walk right passed them. C'mon guys, these kids will remember this game for the rest of their lives, and gettin a hi-5 will make the memory even better...be a sport and make a kid's day.

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