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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need skating advice

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I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to do a hockey stop on my opposite foot and also some advice on how to do slap shots because im not doin great with them. so if you have any adivice please tell me. :)

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Practice is the only way to improve. Just keep practicing stops on your weak side. They will begin to feel easier after awhile.

My advice on the slapshot: practice your wrist and snap shots before learning the slapshot. Your form and technique from your wristshots and snap shots will carry over to your slapshot when you learn it. Wrist and snap shots are far more important than the slapshot because they can be released quickly and used in tight situations. When you are ready to learn the slapshot, you want to find the best spot to place the puck before shooting. Some players prefer to shoot with the puck placed right in the middle of there skates, some prefer to have the puck slightly towards there front or back foot. You just have to experiment to see what works for you. When you wind up, you do not need to go past your shoulders. By winding up past your shoulders you are just wasting time and not gaining much extra power. On the down swing, try to hit the ice about an inch behind the puck with your blade cupped. Try to make contact with the puck somewhere between the heel and middle of your blade. Transfer your weight all the way to your front foot and turn your hands over when you follow through. Point the toe of your blade at your intended target when you follow through.

The best way to improve your shooting is to shoot as many pucks as you can both on and off of the ice.

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Regarding the stop:

It'll take a while... i can still remember when i learned it.

First you have to be like 'strong' on your blades, i mean you shouldnt stumble and should be able to transfer your weight and know how to use the edges.

Then try to follow these steps (Glantz) and it will work out some day.

You WILL fall often, so dont be embarrased and try over and over, everyone started it and everyone fell..

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Here is how I teach kids. We work in progression from one step to the next over weeks at a time.

For stopping, work on shaving the ice while standing still.

Keep most of the weight on the right foot and shave ice with your left foot. Use the front half of the blade. Using the back half during the hockey stop will make you skipp and maybe fall.

Get used to shaving with the edges. Then progress to skating slowly forward then shoving that foot out shaving ice. Progressively put more weight onto that shaving outside foot.

Progress faster and faster stopping mostly with the outside foot. When your comfortable with that, add in the outside edge of the inside foot.

Oh yea, keep your knees bent. I can't tell you how many times I've seen kids and adults try to stop with thier knees locked straight, only to fall back on their heels and maybe hit the back of thier helmet on the ice. The more you have your knees bent, the more control you will have. Also if you fall, your not falling that far. If you do this at a public session, wear your gloves and elbow pads, it will eliminate most of your fear of falling.

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does playing roller hockey and with a ball, help with various skills such as slapshot,stick handling and your skills over all or do people think it doesn't? tell me what you think.:)

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