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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tape residue on shaft

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I did a candycane tapejob with black tape on my 02 synergy grip shaft, but when i took the tape off the tape left the sticky stuff on the corners of the shaft, how do u get this off, any suggestions?

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What I do is when i take off the tape, I roll it into a ball and use it to rub off the tape that sticks. With the rubing motion and the stickyness on the tape you took off, it should take the left over tape off.

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i tryed the thumb method but it just spreads the adhesive, ill try the tape ball method though, thanx for the help guys.

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Goo Gone removes tape adhesive quite well.

That stuff works on everything!

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Goo Gone removes tape adhesive quite well.

That stuff works on everything!

I'll fourth this opinion. Goo Gone works wonders on it. Also, joel says WD-40 works well also.

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Guest phillyfan

No, not from any of my past usages, shafts have held up fine.

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