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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tried the starskie today...

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i was givin a starskie through work to use, and i must say i am impressed.

first impressions: it was a little longer than what im used to, so that threw me off right away. however, once i got used to the length, i liked it. to me, it fealt a lot like a syNergy (which is what ive been using since the very 1st relise in 2000.) the blade was very stiff and responsive, which is a plus to me. some said they feared a torquing issue, but this had no such signs. obviously i cant comment on the duribility because that was only an hour and a half, but so far so good. thoght i would let any one whos interested in getting one know.

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is the weight more like the synergy too or is it kind of chunky like the RBK's?

the weight is a lot like a syNergy, and so is the shape. i also hate the shape of the RBK's because they feel too "boxy."

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