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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My skates were wiggling...

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I took my girlfriend to a drop-in yesterday to teach her how to skate...the place was dead.

Anyways, she was breaking and I did a few laps full effort. And in the turns my skates started to wobble a bit. Usually I'd do crossover turns(is that what they're called?)but for most of the turn I just rode it through...didn't crossover until after the goal...maybe 2 or 3 steps.

Is this because my skates are too loose? Or did my ankles get weak from not playing hockey for awhile? :(

Thanks for the input...

EDIT: Not sure what happened...I was just in the other General Hockey Discussion forum...sorry...

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Are your ankles wobbling or does it feel like the blade is causing your skate to get caught in the ice and turn side to side? I have broken 2 blades this year and I didn't notice it at first. When I skated it felt like my skate was pulling to one side and trying to zig-zag from side to side. Make sure there are no cracks in your steel, look closely because sometimes they are hard to spot.

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sounds like weak ankles to me. skate a bit more, if the problem doesn't seem to get any better, your skates might be trashed.

edit : also make sure your blades are sharp or have not pits in them.

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Wow...3 forums in the matter of hours. :P

Actually these are roller blades.

It feels like the wheels are wobbling but I know they aren't.

Didn't think it was my ankles as it didn't really feel like it...oh well...

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