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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Up on toes with heel slop

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I've noticed two things lately about the way my skates fit:

1. My heel seems to be lifting up out of what used to be a nice snug heel cup. I can't get rid of this heel "slop" no matter how tight I make my laces.

2. I tend to find myself wanting to be more on my toes then I did before.

I was thinking of adding a folded up paper towel under the heel my footbed to get a little more of a forward leaning feel.

Any comments or other suggestions?

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What kind of skates do you have, and how worn are they? It could be your side or ankle support losing their stiffness.

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What kind of skates do you have, and how worn are they? It could be your side or ankle support losing their stiffness.

2004 CCM Pro Tacks Blue, which is the stiffest they made. I've definately don't think its from wear and tear. I'm pretty much a beginner (started in March 05) and while I go to plenty of public skates and have played a few pickups, I can't believe its anywhere near the torture a real player would put their skates through.

Part of me wonders if my desire to be on my toes more is actually a progression from just trying to stay upright to more advanced moves at full speed, especially changes in direction and fast starts.

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