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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Momentum Comp Taper Fit

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Is the Sherwood Momentum Comp Taper Fit shaft tapered or standard?

And does anyone know a website where I can buy one at? Anyone try it? I wouldn't mind hearing a review on it.


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how is the balance with a blade JR? maybe you did hold it in your hand...

Also, off topic but i was wondering, parlerais-tu francais? because your coming from port-au-prince(french) and your name is jean-rene which is frenchy!

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Au moins tu comprends la moitié! lol

Yea, i found that true-temper are a very good brand for making shaft...good qualities stuff

how much does it retail in your are? mine if i remember is 120cnd

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Yeah, nice shaft, cobraa, the balance would be good with a synth Iginla.

lol, Cobraa, JR comprend tout ce qu'on dit, le nouvel équipement va sortir au printemps!!!!

oui lol!!! plutot marant, we should write it in any language we know lol!!!

anyways, that cool, we have another half french out there!

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does it come with Grip?  Any links?

nope i don't think so...maybe for 2006 but not in 2005...or it is just my LHS who doesnt carry them... look at the sher-wood.com

i think this shaft anyways is a good alternative to the high-end super pricy tapered shaft..

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Not a cheap shaft at all. I picked up mine at Hockey Services for $109.95. It was the only place I could find it in a reasonable amount of time when I bought it. It's the only shaft that I have used that I have kept if that means anything to you.

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that might be because other stuff in canada are over-priced compared to you and that sher-wood is in quebec

because where i live they are 120cnd..6k is 150cnd and synthesis grip is like 190-210cnd and r2xn10 is 220cnd so that almost the DOUBLE of the cost of one shaft...

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those number sound just about right for here in BC. Although i've seen xn10s retail here for 190. This sounds like a good shaft, i don't think there are any sher-wood retailers here! I wouldn't mind picking one up in a heartbeat!

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