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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Montreal Forum-Bell Centre

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I remember seeing in the old Montreal Forum that the ownership people sat right behind the team bench, and there was no glass separating them. That's when Roy came off the ice, walked over the owner and said "I've played my last game for this team" or something like that.

Does the Bell Centre have such a setup? Or are the owners now separated by glass and boards?

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People people...there is a glass behind the Habs bench at the Bell center! The only time when there wasn't a glass was during the first season when they inaugurated it..after that they put it in for security measures because pucks were taking people's heads off.

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People people...there is a glass behind the Habs bench at the Bell center! The only time when there wasn't a glass was during the first season when they inaugurated it..after that they put it in for security measures because pucks were taking people's heads off.

Makes sense. I can imagine the Canadiens ownership likes their heads.

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