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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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returning items

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i bought some bauer vapor 30 gloves on the weekend and theyre too big ,i took the tags off but i never used them and still have the receipt ,could i get my money back?

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well id be more then happy with exchanging them for a smaller pair but they dont have a smaller pair and theres a store on the other side of town with a smaller pair and id like to buy those. i dont care where i get them ,i just want them

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I bought a pair of Bauer 5000 Supreme gloves- size 15(aaprox. $150). Thought they fit really well in the LHS, even though I usually wore size 15. This was a new model for me, after all. Anyways- after 5 minutes on the ice I realized they were too big, as the gloves slipped down and made gripping the stick (properly) very difficult. So there they siit in my alternate hockey bag- basically brand new.

Anyone want them?

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spare palms ,black ,15 ,i cant give you a deal ,i need exactly what i payed for or more because i need to grab another pair ,where do you live?

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Why don't you just ask your LHS whether they will give you a refund or not ?

I would doubt they would without the tags intact, it'd be hard for them to resell it for the same price without tags, but who knows, maybe you'll get someone who sympathizes, especially if they know you and you spend a lot of money there. Maybe they'll give you a store credit which you could sell to a buddy who needs to buy something there anyways.

The only way to know what the store will do for you is to ask them. Just don't tell them you plan to re-buy them across town.

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well i know we take the tags off the gloves at our shop just because the tags they put on them are annoying,we just leave the ones inside the glove on. If you have the tags around just bring them by and say i want to return this because it was nto properly fitted

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the tags that are attached to the glove saying the size and materials are all there ,its just the bauer thing thats zap strapped or w/e its called that i took off

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if you took OFF the tags but still have the them around, bring them with you to the shop. im sure they will work something out for you if the tags are still there, they can be reattached, and shouldnt be an issue

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You bought them, you tried them on in the store, you USED them. Don't scam the store and try to return used stuff. Tell them the truth, they may give you credit and give them a chance to order the smaller pair. It's not a big deal, may take a week or two.

I have a big sign in my store, USED equipment can not be returned. This prevents folks from "experimenting" with my stuff, and then try to return it. It's very difficult to sell "used" equipment. Wary buyers see little flaws and won't go near it. They want new stuff, not sweated in, even for 5 minutes by someone else.

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i didnt use them though. I brought them home ,tried them on and compared them to my other gloves .I then found out the pair i tried in practise was 13 inch and werent too bad maybe a tad small and the gloves i bought were 15 inch so i wanna get some 14 inch gloves. i never thought of asking them to reorder a pair and im not strying to scam them ,i wouldnt scam a hockey store ,i wouldnt even steal 2 40 cent guitar picks from long and mcquade ,my parents taught me better then that.

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i didnt use them though. I brought them home ,tried them on and compared them to my other gloves .I then found out the pair i tried in practise was 13 inch and werent too bad maybe a tad small and the gloves i bought were 15 inch so i wanna get some 14 inch gloves. i never thought of asking them to reorder a pair and im not strying to scam them ,i wouldnt scam a hockey store ,i wouldnt even steal 2 40 cent guitar picks from long and mcquade ,my parents taught me better then that.

I thought you had said you used them for 5 minutes. If they are not sued, the store should refund your money with littlew problems, but just ask if the can get a smaller size.

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