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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno 1100 Tapered Shaft?

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I have seen them around in Toronto retail stores, but not online. I was over at Duke's Source for Sports the other day and they had a pile of 1100 shafts. Not sure if any tapered ones in there but may be worth a call if you're desperate. Or you can wait for the Dolomite shaft.

EDIT: http://www.hockeyandskateoutlet.com has them on their site in 300 and 260 flex.

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thanks!  I assume those have the grippy polarfibre on them?

Although the picture shows a polarfiber model, I wouldn't assume that's what they have. As far as I know, retail 1100 shafts with the newer graphics from last year were only available in soft grip and acrylic finish. I'd definitely call to order as opposed to doing it over the net. Oh, and the ones at the Toronto store did not have polarfiber.

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I have seen them around in Toronto retail stores, but not online. I was over at Duke's Source for Sports the other day and they had a pile of 1100 shafts. Not sure if any tapered ones in there but may be worth a call if you're desperate.

How much was Duke's selling them for ?

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I have seen them around in Toronto retail stores, but not online.  I was over at Duke's Source for Sports the other day and they had a pile of 1100 shafts.  Not sure if any tapered ones in there but may be worth a call if you're desperate.

How much was Duke's selling them for ?

Sorry, didn't look.

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