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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What big tournaments is your team looking at?

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Hey guys, our seasons about half over and my team (albeit our crappy ass record of 1-8-1) is looking for some tournaments to do. Obviously we wont make the playoffs as our season is only 20 games long, but we want to enter a couple and see how we can do after the regular seasons done. Thers a couple small, local ones around here we can do, but we're thinking of trying our hand at a major tournament, but noone really knows where would be good. We want to be competetive, but really we're just lookin to have fun and a real great time. Which ones do you guys think have the best, ya know, hockey feel, fun times, etc. here in Eastern USA. We're located in PA, so we can easily hit somewhere in OH,VA,WV,NY. We were thinking of one in Niagra that our coach said he's been to before. We're a midget A+ team, and it seems we always lose by a goal or two so we will probobly be competitive in A+ tournaments.

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Hey guys, our seasons about half over and my team (albeit our crappy ass record of 1-8-1) is looking for some tournaments to do. Obviously we wont make the playoffs as our season is only 20 games long, but we want to enter a couple and see how we can do after the regular seasons done. Thers a couple small, local ones around here we can do, but we're thinking of trying our hand at a major tournament, but noone really knows where would be good. We want to be competetive, but really we're just lookin to have fun and a real great time. Which ones do you guys think have the best, ya know, hockey feel, fun times, etc. here in Eastern USA. We're located in PA, so we can easily hit somewhere in OH,VA,WV,NY. We were thinking of one in Niagra that our coach said he's been to before. We're a midget A+ team, and it seems we always lose by a goal or two so we will probobly be competitive in A+ tournaments.

Lake Placid always has some great tournaments. My old travel club used to send teams there all the time

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Bring Ye Olde Hockey To Europe : )

we go to holland every year(amsterdam)

this centre has a speed skating rink, fastest go karts in europe, climbing centre,

biggest man made ski slope in Europe.

this thing is unbelievable!

thing is.... for AAA + AA only.

Last year i got player of the tourney and got a CCM tracksuit and a Synergy Sicore lidstrom curve

my stick snapped on the plane home :(

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