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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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who thinks there should be more ELITE on tv?

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your right, i would love to see the elite league or the nhl say on channels like BBC or SKY sports

NHL is starting on channel 5 on the 4th of january and theres EIHL on nasn

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totally agree I hate when I turn the tv on and i see like the bluejackets and the thrashers <_<

Yet you have Kovalchuk as your avatar? I figured you'd love a Thrashers/Jackets match up b/c there's a better chance that the Thrashers could blow out the Jackets...

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are you sure NHL is starting on channel 5 on 4th january? coz ill b watching it defo, but it'll pobs be on at like 1AM.:(

Yup im sure but yeah its on quite late, but meh its still hockey.

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