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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There all going to be in the 140-150 range so whever you can find them.

I would say cupolosports but I just found out my novius from there might be a 1100 painted like a novius, ljack just informed me they buy seconds and misprints or something like that, so unless you dont mind it being a 1100 you can get them for 140 usd at cupolosports.com

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I got my Novius on Ebay brand new for $102.00 plus $10 shipping, but that was about 8 weeks ago and since it's seemed like Innos have become more popular on there.

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Actually Innos have gone down a bit in popularity, at one point they were incredibly popular on CB.

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Actually Innos have gone down a bit in popularity, at one point they were incredibly popular on CB.

As far as the prices go they have gone up on Ebay. I remember back a little you could get an 1100 or Novius and blades a bit cheaper than you can now.

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