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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys, need help getting a skate to fit

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So I tried on a pair of Mission Lite Fit L4s today, and I thought they fit wonderfully on my left foot. But on my right foot, the heel slipped just a little bit. So, I am wondering if there is anyway I can remedy this? A heel-type insole? Will the baking solve the problem? I tried tightening the hell out of them, to no effect. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.


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So I tried on a pair of Mission Lite Fit L4s today, and I thought they fit wonderfully on my left foot. But on my right foot, the heel slipped just a little bit. So, I am wondering if there is anyway I can remedy this? A heel-type insole? Will the baking solve the problem? I tried tightening the hell out of them, to no effect. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.


I don't have my catalog in front of me so I'm not entirely sure on this one. Does the L4 come in D and EE or just E? If it only comes in E, as I think, the problem could be resolved by going up to the L5 and getting the D width.

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I have 8090's 10 D with about 12 hours on them and about a few hours ago I started to notice when I skate backwards my ankles slip out of the boot. It Dosent matter how tight I get them, But when I get them too tight I can't skate right. This dose'nt affect performance but it driving me nuts! So I am also looking for a answer? I might try to not use the top eyelits, Maybe that will help?

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my left foot fits perfect but my right has trouble keeping my heel down. i dont wanna put heel lifts in it because of the diference it would make between both skates. I also couldnt find a skate that fit as well as my nikes... but i guess they werent good enough. All other skates where to shallow and narrow or too deep (8090's). I wanted to try missions but my LHS doesnt carry them

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I have a wide foot and was fitted by a bauer rep so I feel confident that it is the right skate. my next skates for sure are going to be custom. I was talking with my teammates the other night and we all agreed you did'nt have all these skate fitting problems years ago. We miss the old bauer's with the gel packs---remember when that was a big deal.

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So I tried on a pair of Mission Lite Fit L4s today, and I thought they fit wonderfully on my left foot.  But on my right foot, the heel slipped just a little bit.  So, I am wondering if there is anyway I can remedy this? A heel-type insole?  Will the baking solve the problem?  I tried tightening the hell out of them, to no effect.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks.


I don't have my catalog in front of me so I'm not entirely sure on this one. Does the L4 come in D and EE or just E? If it only comes in E, as I think, the problem could be resolved by going up to the L5 and getting the D width.

Unfortunately, they only come in E. The L5's have D and EE, but the store only carries L4's. And I have to shop at that store, because I have a gift cert. that I want to use. :(

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I have that problem too. My skates fits perfectly when I just got it. But after a month or so, the heel part become loosen up (probably due to the skating and beaking in). I would like to know how people deal with it too.

Wonder how to get a perfect fit skate?!

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