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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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has anyone tried a battered mars bar?

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They sell them downtown area here in the summer on the waterfront. Always PACKED. They used to have a place at the bottom of the ski hill here aswell.

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I dont get how a batter mixes with chocolate and how chocolate mixes with ketchup!

You want good, try a beavertail.

Beavertails are amazing. Sooooooooo gooooooood

true that. too bad i've only ever found them in ottawa.

Overrated, IMO. Fried dough with sugar...yay.

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For those that dont know a mars bar is a snickers bar with no nuts(if you know what aa snickers is)

My guess is that if someone doesn't know what a Mars bar is, chances are, that someone also doesn't know what a Snickers is...

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and to think this entire time i thought you guys were actually talking about a damn beavers tail haha. we call them elephant ears or funnel cakes here.

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