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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Mission Skate Question

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I'm looking for a new pair of skates. Currently I have a pair of Mission Amp 3 (11.5D) skates that are showing a lot of wear. These are the only skates I have owned and skated on since I just learned how to skate a few years ago.

I would really love to have a pair of S400 or S500 skates but don't want to spend that kind of cash since I only play hockey once a week.

I found a pair of (2003) Mission Pure Lite skates in 11.5D for $180. Is this a good skate for this price or should I just wait until the S400 and S500 skates come down in price? Also would I wear the same size in the Lite skate as I do in the Amp 3?


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What size are your street shoes? 11.5d seems to infer that, if properly sized, you were a size 12.5 to 13 street shoe?

I wear an 11.5 street shoe (sometimes a 12 - strictly just for comfort) and I have a size 10ee Mission S500.

When's the last time you got sized at a shop?

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I wear size 11.5 shoes. I have seen in many catalogs that Mission skates are the same as your street shoes. When I push my toe to the front of my skates I have a small gap between my heel and skate. They seem to fit fine. I also have a pair of Mission roller skates in size 12D.

What about the Pure Lite skate? I'm more interested in that instead of my size. I can always run up to the rink and have my foot measured. I have also traced my foot and measured it and according to a foot chart I am a 11.5D. :)

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I would get measured, if I were you. Skates shouldn't fit like shoes. There shouldn't be a large gap between your toes and the end of your skates. When you stand in your skates, you should feel your toes lightly brush the end of the skate (as when you skate with your knees bent your foot will be further back in the skate and it will not touch at all).

You can get more performance out of your skate if fit properly. Rule of thumb is to go as small as you can tolerate without pain.

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