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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone using shock doctor footbeds?

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In T.O. National Sports and SportChek carry BOTH ShockDoctor and SuperFeet insoles. I prefer the new grey SuperFeet. They are thinner, and cradle you in the heel where you need it most. I still use my old yellow ones that came with my Mission inlines, in all my hockey skates.

I haven't found footbed yet that works better for me than the neon green "Mission Sensory Footbeds" that came in my old Mission Proto VSI inlines. The have "domed" sections at the heel, midfoot, and toe-grip areas; very comfy and supportive. Anyone know where I might be able to find a supply of these?

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Well I ended up getting the shockdoctors and love them... I skated with the stock footbeds in my Vectors and then the shockdoctors and while thicker they, IMO, felt much better. I had no problem whatsoever with them sliding around and my feet felt fantastic after the session... They're an absolute bitch to get out of the skate to dry but that's something I can live with.

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logan Posted on Dec 14 2005, 11:38 AM

In T.O. National Sports and SportChek carry BOTH ShockDoctor and SuperFeet insoles. I prefer the new grey SuperFeet. They are thinner, and cradle you in the heel where you need it most. I still use my old yellow ones that came with my Mission inlines, in all my hockey skates.

I have a pair of Mission yellow superfeet footbeds, that came stock in my old Mission VS(i?) inliners (yellow chassis model), Had a pair of grey superfeet awhile ago which were thrown out by mistake (GF thought they were trash, "they stank"...)

How big is the difference between the yellow Mission Superfeet and the Grey Superfeet?

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Too thick in my opinion.

Its funny. I replaced my stock CCM footbeds with SD's. Then the SD's with SF's. But now I'm getting some really annoying heel lift/slop.

So now I'm looking for those SD's again....

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Too thick in my opinion.

That was my opinion on them also. Ended up just using them in my shoes.

after using them for a month, the heel lift and forefoot area's thickness goes down. I love SD footbeds, use them in all of my skates.

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