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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fury 9135 gloves

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i used the search and found some useful info but i couldnt find a few things on fury's 9135 traditional gloves. First off is durability... i play about 6 times a week 2 games and 4,1 1/2 hr practices how will they hold up?

Also color i have seen the navy and gold in person and am iffy on the way they look (its like woven carbon fiber) however i havent seen the all navy and was wondering if anyone had a picture of them or of the Toronto versions

Lastly, any other comments would be helpuful


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They're nice gloves, we had them when they were called the 244 model. They didn't sell particularly well and I still have a apir of them that I haven't been able to give away at $99

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