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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 5090 Skate

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on sale now and would like to know more about it from the user.

also wanna know how mid-range it can be compared to?

Thanks a lot!!!

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on sale now and would like to know more about it from the user.

also wanna know how mid-range it can be compared to?

Thanks a lot!!!

I have read reviews on this skate and it is compared to the vapor 19. Very easy skate to break in.

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Not sure I wear the 8090 and it is a great skate. I would think that the 5090 would just be a bit less of a skate. Still good

I couldn't find much on the 5090, found a good review on the 8090 though if it might interest you?! B)


And the Lord said "Thou shall not trust puckmugger reviews."

Actually I love my 8090's, (I think people are picking up 8090's for a bit over $200 USD online right now,) but lots of people on this board seem to have real problems with puckmugger's epinions reviews. No comment on the 5090's as I have never tried them.

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In Puckmugger's defence, his review of the 8090 seems to match what I've heard from everybody else that has had the 8090's, so he can't be too far out on this one at least - except perhaps for his comment on the broken glass skate linings on some other brands skates!

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Rusty , have you ever had the steel break yet ? My buddy has had 2 blades break and I just had my first break on me

Picking up LS2 blades tonight 50.00 Yikes !

Yes, I broke one blade. There wasn't much height difference between new steel and existing steel so I just replaced the one blade with LS2 steel. Cost me $20 at my LHS.

In Puckmugger's defence, his review of the 8090 seems to match what I've heard from everybody else that has had the 8090's, so he can't be too far out on this one at least - except perhaps for his comment on the broken glass skate linings on some other brands skates!

I've don't have a huge problem with him, but some people here really do. Some of his writing makes me think he is not informed as he lets on because of that I tend to trust the opinions of MSH'rs alot more than his.

As for the 8090 review. It's alright. I disagree with his comments regarding the dated look of the 8090's. I prefer my skates to not look like space boots thank you. It would also be nice if he would acknowledge the existance of LS2 steel.

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Fair comments, though the review was done in May so I'm not sure how many 8090's in circulation back then had LS or LS2. I do agree with you on the looks factor though - I reckon the 8090's are one of the classiest looking skates out there at the moment.

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Fair comments, though the review was done in May so I'm not sure how many 8090's in circulation back then had LS or LS2. I do agree with you on the looks factor though - I reckon the 8090's are one of the classiest looking skates out there at the moment.

His priority is to publish an opinion on everything, not to gain real world experince with a product that you can only get from using a product over an extended period of time.

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