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elbow pads

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Im looking for a pair of elbow pads that are very low profile and not bulky and not overly protective , i have the bauer 300 and im looking for something a bit narrower than them but with the same mobility. I was thinking about the ccm 652, or does anybody have a different recomendation.

Cheers B)

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Bauer 8000. I have wore alot of different elbow pads: Jofa, easton, ccm just to name a few and These new bauer 8000 05' model are awesome. floating elbow pad stays put during the game, 3 straps that tighten up very well. These don't slide around alot I have found them to be very comfortable. They don't interfere with my easton gloves 14.5". next I would have to say easton 900's guys on my team rave about those.

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I have the Easton Ultra Lite (now the Synergy 500 I believe) and they are great. They aren't too bulky, and they are really pretty light. Very comfortable except for the occasional times when they slide down my arm.

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my main reason for doing this is that i dont want to buy a new team shirt for the new season so i want elbow pads that will give me more room in that area :huh:

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my main reason for doing this is that i dont want to buy a new team shirt for the new season so i want elbow pads that will give me more room in that area :huh:

Buying less protective elbow pads so you don't have to buy a new jersey doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

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No what i meant was that the bauer 300 i use at the moment are fine for me for protection so i just wanted the same but in a less bulky shape. There only for roller not for ice. ;)

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