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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christmas List

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Ok, I need ideas on what to ask for and what to get people for christmas, and I need ideas. So what's on everyone's christmas list?

For me so far:

Sean Skinner's Breakaways/Penalty Shots DVD

X-men legends 2 for PS2

that's all I got... :lol:

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Well, I already know I'm getting:

Jofa 9950 (I think?) Shoulders

Rbk/Jofa 6k Shins

Rbk/Jofa 6k Elbows

CCM Pro Tacks gloves

Bauer Vapor 8 girdle and shell

And what I want is:

A Vapor XXX/Lite in Lindros Pattern, 87 or 102 flex

TPS Adrenaline/Control Regular Flex Nash pattern

Synergy II blade Lindstrom Pattern

Complete collection of Iron Maiden CDs

Band of Brothers DVDs

Metallica Live box set

Family Guy season DVDs

Mission Intake helmet upon release

Mission Fuel AG skates upon release

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