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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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when do u start playin contact?

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I think thats what's wrong with NA hockey in general: not enough skills taught, more than half the icetime is wasted on breakout and oddman rush drills, which just isnt that helpful.

So True...

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MDE I can see your point but there is one big problem with delaying checking. In many areas the first year you can start checking players go out running each other. They are so happy that they can finally hit people, that's all they do.

It also requires coaches to teach checking and how to take a check to all new players every year at the one age level. I believe that if it was permitted all along, it wouldn't be such a big deal to them.

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Actually it is done the way I described in other countries. All it takes is discipline...and while I agree that it is lacking too, there is no reason that it should not also become part of the learning process.

It's precisely because of what you say that I recommend this approach....too many players who go from some form of non contact house hockey to school or travel hockey think that hitting is just the most important thing....Then what you have is players who do not know how to throw hits, or anticipate them coming, getting run, and possibly injured either from guys who just don't know how or when, or worse yet from guys who really do know....

That stage is where the good players, with the skating skills, rink awareness, balance, and good hitting technique get pissed at the "newbee" trying to prove himself, and decide that they will show the would be tough guy what a real hit is all about...Next thing you know some poor schlob is being carted off in an ambulance.

I am a big supporter of the full contact game...even in inline hockey...I think ultimately that element develops better, more aware players, with better all around skills. However I am a firm believer in a very structured approach. I have seen it done this way and seen it work well...so it's not impossible,

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My first year of contact was bantam.. and then I went to juniors my first year out of bantam and that was a rude awakening for a while.. I say start em early...

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