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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm startin ice hockey and i need some skates, but i dont wanna pay over $100 w/out shipping.

which skates out of the following would be the best for teh money??

Easton 300- $80

ccm vector 4.0- $109

ccm vector 3.0-$89

ccm vector 2.0-$79

bauer vapor VI-$99

bauer vapor XI-$99

bauer vapor VII-$99

any input would be appreciated

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People here tend to go for the lower to mid end Vapor skates over anything else in the price range although that has a lot to do with SMU products. Just go with what fits your foot best and isn't way below what you could be getting in terms of performance.

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Cyclone taylor has the following for 119.99 or lower

Bauer 4000

Easton Air

CCM Vector 4.0

CCM Custom Tack

CCM 652, 552, 252

On those, my picks would be #1 Bauer 4000, #2 CCM Custom Tack, #3 Easton Air, but those are all high quality skates that are available for a fraction of what they originally cost.

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