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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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falling and recovering

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hi quick question:

How would you recover from a fall? Lets say you lose your edge, and you fall on the ice and you start sliding real fast. Whats the best way to recover and get back on your feet? I always seem to wait until i come to a halt or hit the boards to attempt to get back up. Any tips?

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First try to get on your knees and then get up as your sliding across the ice. but if you land on yor @$$ get on one knee and get up the fastest you can.

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No, 1st thing is to play the darned puck!!!!! Who cares if you are down on the ice, make the pass, take a shot from your knees, or clear the puck. Get up later!

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If I fall and I am sliding on either my stomach or my hip, I just dig one of my blades into the ice and my momentum from sliding helps me pop right up onto my feet.

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