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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nixon "The Player" Watch

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Im thinking of getting the Nixon Player watch with the Christmas money I was given. On the Active Mailorder site, where Im most likely going to get it from, under select size there is only one choice. Is there only one size? Is it adjustable?

thanks and Merry Christmas!

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Without seeing it and assuming it has links, take it to a jewellery store and they can size it for you. Keep the links, I can't stress that enough.

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You can take links out, I have the Proffessional, and I think that most of the bands on the metal watches are the same, or made the same. I had links takne out, and if you just want to adjust it a little smaller, on the little latch there are holes that can be used for that. Are you planning on buying this watch over the internet, or in a retail store. If you go to the store, they will or should help you with whatever you need, and they'll give you a nice little bag to put the extra links in.

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I dont think Nixion Watches come in different sizes,They make them as a one size fits all for the steel watches,definately take it to a jewellery store and get links removed as mentioned.

Which version of the player are you getting?

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Im thinking of getting the Nixon Player watch with the Christmas money I was given. On the Active Mailorder site, where Im most likely going to get it from, under select size there is only one choice. Is there only one size? Is it adjustable?

thanks and Merry Christmas!

with most internet watch shops the size choice is for them to resize the band for you and ship it to you so it fits and you don't have to go to a jeweler to have it resized. I believe they will include the removed links.

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