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Youth Rec Leagues

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I am interested in starting a recreation hockey league and have a few question. The target audience for this league would be for youths who would like to play, but do not want to travel or take the game too competitively.

There is a “Competitive†organization in my community that has teams for all age groups (squirts, mites, midgets, etc.). The only issue I have is they are coached as if they are headed to the Olympics. This is fine, but I think this closes the door for a large number of kids that would just like to play hockey because it is fun.

It also costs a ton of money and alienates many people from participating. For example, it costs $75 just to get a try-out. If (and a big if) your child is selected, then it will cost you around $1000 to be on the team. This does not include travel expenses and special tournament fees. This organization is also loaded with internal politics – which bleeds into who is selected for the teams and how much ice time is granted.

My questions:

1) Are city-run (Parks and Rec) leagues successful in attracting membership?

2) Is it difficult to find “Aid†to help get kids gear (for those who can’t afford it)?

3) Do you have to be affiliated with USA Hockey?

4) Can recreational youth leagues get the needed insurance?

5) Has anyone put a business plan together to pitch such an idea to a city’s parks dept?

6) Does anyone have successful ideas for advertising such a league?

7) Has anyone participated in a multi-city league (i.e. City1 plays City2)?

8) Would a non-travel league be attractive to players / parents?

I am new to youth hockey and can honestly say that it takes a ton of time. It would not be too bad if we did not have to drive all over the place – especially with the busy work schedules my wife and I have. There has got to be a more accommodating way to play hockey.

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You will need help. You don't want to re-invent the wheel. I think you should do this with the assistance of USA hockey. Locally, the Washington Caps co sponsor a "lets have fun, lets play hockey" session on mondays. $99 for 7 weeks, all equipment included, nothing but cross ice for kids 4-12.

We also have a house league. We play within the house (only enough for 2 teams) but we also play other req leagues.

Are there any similar leagues you can copy in your area?

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1) Are city-run (Parks and Rec) leagues successful in attracting membership?

2) Is it difficult to find “Aid†to help get kids gear (for those who can’t afford it)?

3) Do you have to be affiliated with USA Hockey?

4) Can recreational youth leagues get the needed insurance?

5) Has anyone put a business plan together to pitch such an idea to a city’s parks dept?

6) Does anyone have successful ideas for advertising such a league?

7) Has anyone participated in a multi-city league (i.e. City1 plays City2)?

8) Would a non-travel league be attractive to players / parents?

1. Not sure but the local rinks run house leagues and have decent turnout.

2. Most of the programs have "used" bins that people donate their old gear into for kids, assuming they can't sell it.

3. No but they do have programs that help you and cover your insurance.

4. Yes, but USAH makes it easier.

5. Try asking USAH, I would imagine that they can help you.

6. Try asking the travel league for the contact info for the kids/parents that don't make the cut. The local rink should be willing to help as they end up making a couple bucks on it as well.

7. The rink where my shop is located does that because they only have about 2 teams at each age group and it's more fun to play a different team from time to time. It helps that they only have to drive about 20 minutes.

8. It is in most areas.

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