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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blades for my broken ST and SL

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so im a right hander, and i use the sakic curve. i just broke the blades on my St and My sl in one week, and now i need some blades to fit them. but i dont want to pay 90 $ cnd for a synthesis blade..so what other alternatives are there, and what others brands curves match the sakic?

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Any tapered blade from any company will work. They are pretty much in the same ballpark as far as price though.

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wouldn't a tapered woodie be a bit cheaper though? i'm not sure how much it costs but you could just get the same curve in the synthesis wood tapered blade for probably a fair bit cheaper...

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The wood Synthesis is offered in the Sakic curve, wood R2 Nash would work as well if you don't want to spend too much.

i used to have the wood r2 and i really liked it...but then again it was the only wood blade i had used in a while...

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Posted on Dec 28 2005, 01:23 PM

  i just broke the blades on my St and My sl in one week, and now i need some blades to fit them.

Use the warranty :D

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I have a hybrid Synthesis blade in my ST Grip...it's a nice blade actually, I would recommend it. If Easton isn't your type, the Bauer 7500 tapered blade is a good choice too

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I bought a wood synthesis for my broken SL and i'm having a problem. I cut it low and it was filled with the semi hard foamy stuff, so I cut a little higher and it was still filled. So i used a drill/chisel to get it out and its still not wide enough for the tapered blade, plus i stuck a pencil in it and it hit something else further up in the shaft so that even if the blade did fit width wise, the whole tennon wouldnt fit up into the shaft because it'd hit something else further up in the shaft. What do I need to do? I dont think I can cut it any higher or it will be too short, because where I have it cut right now would make the stick about the same height as it used to be, if the blade would fit into it. I'll have to cut like another 2 inches to reach where the shaft is filled with stuff again, and its going to make it way too short. Any ideas? :blink::huh: :(

When my Si-core broke I got a tapered blade into it real easy, it just had a square piece of squishy foam in it that i just pulled out and the blade fit right in on the first cut.

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Posted on Dec 28 2005, 01:23 PM

  i just broke the blades on my St and My sl in one week, and now i need some blades to fit them. 

Use the warranty 
Posted on Dec 29 2005, 03:17 PM

  theyr both older than a month..i meant that i broke both in one week 

sorry miss understood yah :P

by the way are you a lefty, cyclone taylor sells t flex custom pro wood blades for .99 cents / blade :D

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