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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rebaking results

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From time to time I'll see posts asking whether or not a particular skate can be rebaked and (in general) the response has been "Yes, but not too many times".

I am also thinking about rebaking my skates (I'm getting a lot of heel lift and I just don't feel "locked in" at the heel) but I'm not interested in whether my skates can be rebaked.

I'm more intrerested in hearing some of the results that people have had. What made you decide to rebake them? Did you get the results you were hoping for?


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I used to have a pair of v-10 that were too narrow for my foot (I have a really really wide foot) so I tried rebaking them to see if it would stretch them out a little more... did absolutely nothing...

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I tried to rebake my vector pros for exactly the same reason. Did not help at all. The heel still lifted, maybe even more than before. I just baked my graf 703s for the second time to widen up the heel pads, and that worked very well. So I guess the moral of this long story is that it may work to widen the fit, but not to make fit tighter.

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