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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor XXX's vs. 703's

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I ordered 703's on Monday and am just wondering how, I guess, less stiff ( "medium- stiff skate", graf website) the 703 is compared to the vapor XXX.

note: i ordered the skates from the only authorized graf dealer in Illinois ( Center Ice for those who live here) because they didn't have my size in stock.

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well i aint a huge graf fan but like they fell good cuz there really really soft boot but they sacrafice the protection for comfort i almost snapped my ankle with those skates on when i got a slapshot in my foot, and now i use the synergy 1300c and there super stiff like i know alot of ppl dont like stiff skates but its an awesome skate performance wise, but ur best bet would be the XXX's for performance the grafs for comfort even thow you might think otherwise but its ur choice

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well i aint a huge graf fan but like they fell good cuz there really really soft boot but they sacrafice the protection for comfort i almost snapped my ankle with those skates on when i got a slapshot in my foot, and now i use the synergy 1300c and there super stiff like i know alot of ppl dont like stiff skates but its an awesome skate performance wise, but ur best bet would be the XXX's for performance the grafs for comfort even thow you might think otherwise but its ur choice

well i should have put this in the original post but I already have vapor XXX's. The main reasons i'm switching is the lack of durability the vapor line has ( basically went through 1 pair of xx's in a year and this pair of xxx's in a year.) and i don't feel like buying skates every year just for performance, I barley fit the skates i have now, and i wanted to finally try a pair of Graf's.

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You will probably be happy with the Grafs. The 703s are not super stiff but they have enough support. You may have to skate a few times to get used to the forward pitch of both the boot and the Cobra blade holders, especially coming from bauer holders (which have a negative pitch). The 703s should last you a long time. My 709s are over two years old and are still in good shape, the only reason why I bought G5s was because I wanted to go back to a lower cut more flexible boot. After switching to Graf skates a few years ago, I don't think I will ever go back to a different brand.

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