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Schools in poorer parts of cities

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Whats up with some of the schools in the poorer parts of town in philly? Thye have like 15 foot chainlink fences around them. At first i thought it was a jail!

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That's just how it is. Inner city detroit schools don't have as much money as schools in the suburbs so the buliding is crap etc. and the kid's education suffers. I would know, I went to public schools in the city until 7th grade, then my parents put me in a richer suburban-area school and I learned a lot more but in the beginning I struggled because there were things that I was suppossed to learn that I hadn't. I'm just saying, these are real issues out there because the education system is screwed up. I know that there are schools not far from where I live where there are metal detectors, how comforting would it be to walk into school every day and have to walk through a metal detector, huh? I'm just saying that a lot of us should be fortunate for what we have and what our parents have given us.

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Guest phillyfan

The 15FT fences may not have to do with how poor or rich, its for the students protection. Robberis, vandals, murderers, ect, will have a hard time hopping over a 15 FT fence. But if they wanted to, they could cut their way in easily, which brings you back to the poor/rich situation I guess. If it were a rich neighborhood, they'd have a 15 FT Concrete wall will marble gargoyles on top...

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yah, messed up cause I went to the local elementary school and now half of the people I graduated will work for the rest of their lives at the local grocery store paying off partying and drug habits. Some of the others went on to finish highschool and whatnot but for those that didn't, too bad I guess. My area isn't nearly as bad as Detroit but I guess that's the way it is.

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