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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Momentum Comp shaft

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These seem to be pretty hard to find. I have only found one place on the net that even sells them. Has anyone seen or tried one? These are the black ones that look just like Crosby's except it says "Momentum Comp Taper" insted of "Momentum Comp X". Any info would be great!

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Dave - I have three in the shop for a guy I ordered them for. I could've shown them to you when you were here on Friday. Unfortunately they ship in 3-packs :(

It's a nice shaft actually.

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Dave - I have three in the shop for a guy I ordered them for.  I could've shown them to you when you were here on Friday.  Unfortunately they ship in 3-packs :( 

It's a nice shaft actually.

Damn you man!!! All I saw was.........well you know, the "E" word. Are they less than 300g (or there 'bouts)?

Please PM me if he backs out or does not take all 3.

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I had one in the sell section for a while. I still have it and might be willing to sell for the right price. I was selling because not too many shops around here carry tapered blades and I was tired of ordering them online. I bought some from Buzz so I was going to keep the shaft but I might be persuaded.

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and where did you find these shafts online?

actually found a place that sells the comp taper shaft...http://www.hockeyservices.com/

theres almost no info on it though...

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has anyone ordered from these guys before?

or know what the flex is like on the comp taper fit because there isnt a flex listed?

would i just have to pray i get a reg. flex :huh:

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who do you think would be the victor

a sherwood momentum or a warrior dolomite?

IMO the Momentum comp would be more durable, I had a couple of Inno 1100's and they had thin walls, the Momentum has decently thick walls and feels more solid.

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