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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cut OPS vs. Flipped OPS vs. Standard shaft

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Me and a few teammates, in our college fund strapped state have been wondering whats the best thing to do with broken OPS. 2 teammates have flipped synergys with standard blades, I have a vapor XX with the blade pulled out and a tapered put in, and then of course theres several teammates with standard and tapered shafts putting in their two cents. Is the difference in a flipped OPS vs. standard shaft that much? Is the difference between an OPS that fits a tapered blade vs. a tapered shaft that much? I argue that having the flipped shaft with the tapered part in your hands messes with the kickpoint and release and they say its just like having a standard shaft and that having the taper up in your hands doesnt matter. Whats the real deal? If you break an OPS should you just junk it and buy a new one or buy a blade/shaft combo, or is it worth it to salvage it. Mind you, these arn't our "backup" sticks, these are now our every time we play sticks. When I use my flipped SL my slapshot flutters whereas my Vapor XX with the tapered blade it doesnt, so I'm thinking flipping it does affect it somewhat. I know Chadd pushes the shaft/blade combo, and since I recently put wood blades in and am falling into lust with them, I'm toying with buying a shaft, but I dont know if my XX or SL combo is performing at the same level that an actual shaft/blade combo could.

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My coach has been using flipped syn shafts with wood blades for a while. He had a better shot than me, which I can't say for almost everyone else on my team. Can't go wrong with standard shafts though.

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