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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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DR EP44 Elbow Pad

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The EP44 is a very solid and protective pad. I modified mine to fit my personal preferences by removing the upper bicep protection.


The EP44 has a bicep strap, upper forearm strap and a lower forearm strap that all help you get the pad as loose or as tight as you want. The EP44 also has a wide elastic piece that goes over your forearm on the inside of the pad. All of these things work together to allow you to customize the fit exactly the way you want it. 8/10


Outstanding protection. I removed the upper bicep protection but my elbow is well protected and there is a hard plastic insert in the forearm piece to prevent injuries from slashes. Considering the depth of the elbow, I can't imagine any way that you could get injured there. 9/10


I don't really notice the weight so they must not be bricks. I don't find them slipping down or sliding out of position due to the weight. Considering the size of the pads, they are remarkably light. 9/10


I've only been wearing them for a month or so but I haven't noticed any real problems. Obviously, most pads should still be in great condition after the such a short time and these don't disappoint. This is an Incomplete for now, durability means more than just a month to me.


Nice pads, comfy, and very protective. What more could you want? They aren't a slim looking pad but they fit very snugly to the arm and the mobility is fantastic. Overall rating 8.6 for now

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