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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller to ice

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I currently play roller but i own a bunch of ice gear and would love to play ice but when ever i get out there like at public skating i always feel uncomfortable, and my foot starts to swivel side to side, and i feel like I am going to lose an edge what can i do to feel more comfotable out on the ice, I try to get out there as much as possible

thanks ahead

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i started out playing roller but now i play AAA ice. the best thing to do is just get out there. maybe tie your skates tighter? the more you get on the ice the more comfortable you'll feel

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I currently play roller but i own a bunch of ice gear and would love to play ice but when ever i get out there like at public skating i always feel uncomfortable, and my foot starts to swivel side to side, and i feel like I am going to lose an edge what can i do to feel more comfotable out on the ice, I try to get out there as much as possible

thanks ahead

So what are you actually asking?

Not trying to be harsh....

Are you asking for tips on what will make it easier?

I play both roller and ice....as I'm sure you'll find a lot of people on this board do.

On ice, sounds like you need stiffer skates or really need to tighten those laces up at the top.

Other than that...you'll just need time to adjust.

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Do you have a good sharpner in the area? It sounds like either you have uneven edges or you may have a shallow that is not deep enough for you. Also examine your skates, you may have roaled edges.

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Skateshot25, I experienced something similar when I first started playing Ice, I determined it to be the sharpening, because once I started getting my steel sharpened by someone compitent, the problems went away. Aside from that, just skate on ice as much as you can. Pick ups, puck play, whatever.

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