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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some pain on the heel of my left foot

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Hi guys. I just purchased a pair of Graf Supra 705's and got them heat molded. After todays hockey practice the right skate is perfect but my left skate caused some blisters on my heal. I also noticed after pratice that my left heel bone is bigger than my right heel bone. What's up with that?!? Is it breaking in or did I get the wrong size and waste a crap load of money? :(

Heck. Should I have bought 2 different sized skates?

Please help!!! Anyway to fix this problem?

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I would say, the Heat mold would take care of the heel bone being bigger, on the one foot, for your other problems, I have no idea :angry:

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I had a similar problem when I got my Vapors recently. The heel that appeared bigger ended up blistering so bad I had to get stitches on my ankle. My doctor said it was because the skate was rubbing so much with the heel of the new boot it just ripped open the ankle. It sucked but I just wrapped my ankle with tape and switched to waxed laces to be sure they were as tight as possible to prevent the rubbing. It has healed since then but definitely isn't as good as it had been. I guess all I can say is make sure the skates are as tight as possible when you are first breaking them in and if you go barefoot(like I used to) think about changing that.

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