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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission L7

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Ok I am new at this just using hurricanes computer for a quick question. I want to buy the mission L7's How is the holder and steel compared to my old Graf's holder?? will I need to profile, How do the holders match as far as performace.

Thank you!


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profile length is the same as Graf 11'. The steel is much better and the holder has been less prone to bending from what I have seen. The neutral position on the pitch holder is slightly less forward than stock Grafs and the +1 is a bit more forward pitch than stock Grafs.

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profile length is the same as Graf 11'. The steel is much better and the holder has been less prone to bending from what I have seen. The neutral position on the pitch holder is slightly less forward than stock Grafs and the +1 is a bit more forward pitch than stock Grafs.

Would they by any chance be simillar to bauers tuuk


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I believe that the holder is very similar to C+'s, and with the negative pitch it could be made very similar.


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I believe that the holder is very similar to C+'s, and with the negative pitch it could be made very similar.


Thanks Guys--going to pick them up from JR if he sells them?? If not off to peranis.


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