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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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curves and lies

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i know most of it is PP. but i've noticed the 5/5.5 lie and the modano and sakic curves are pretty popular. so this leads to my question.

is there certian curves and lies that are better for stickhandling? i was looking at that crosby curve thread, and saw that his is almsot straight. maybe straight blades are good for stickhandling?

plus. wooden blade in a tapered shaft make a huge diff with puck feel, or just minor?

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The right lie for you will make the most difference in stickhandling.

I prefer a fairly straight blade, but it's mostly for passing and shooting on the backhand and not to help me dangle.

I prefer the feel of wood but I can use a decent feeling comp blade. Nothing feels as good as a good wood blade.

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About the wood blades. I've been using OPS for a long time. i remember a long time ago i took a shot with a wooden stick and it felt so weird i couldnt belive it. Now, if i go back to a wood blade, will my shot and stuff feel really weird? or was did it feel weird with the wood stick because the shaft was wood and didnt have quick release and all that stuff?

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I cant really use a big curve. They are only good for one-timing in my opinion. I like to keep my stick length constant, and so depending on what curve I use, I find that I need a different lie. In general, I can play with with a lower lie with more curve, and need a more upright lie for straighter curves.

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is there certian curves and lies that are better for stickhandling? i was looking at that crosby curve thread, and saw that his is almsot straight. maybe straight blades are good for stickhandling?

Straight blades are ment to be good for back hand shots. Well thats what i was told Anyway. :rolleyes:

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