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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Pronger Blade

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Tried my team mates RBK 5K Shaft with a Pronger Blade last night! I Normally use a L2 Elias blade in a Ultra Lite Grip! I would say it improved my shot by about 20% Does anyone else use this blade, what do you like about it? I found it a little strange to stick handle with it, does it get easier?

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Pretty easy, our trainer puts a few layers of stick tape (about 3 inches long) then puts it on the end of the blade, then covers that with loads of glue. It works fine but every 6 weeks or so it comes a little loose so he takes the old tape off and replaces it with some new tape. It works fine!

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Wouldnt it be easier to either use a standard blade or a tapered shaft, kind of defeats the point on having a tapered blade. And i bett the feel is pretty crappy with so much tape. And from what i remember with bauer the pronger blade is a spoon! And if it's the same wouldn't be able to do anything with that. The bauer pronger and mission elias are completely different

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Pretty easy, our trainer puts a few layers of stick tape (about 3 inches long) then puts it on the end of the blade, then covers that with loads of glue. It works fine but every 6 weeks or so it comes a little loose so he takes the old tape off and replaces it with some new tape. It works fine!

Where and who do you play for?

By the way, welcome to the board.

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The feel isnt to bad, it only 2 layers of tape. i like the Elias, Forsberg, Messier but have decided to go for more curve and open. I cant keep the puck down though, got one waiting for me tonight. I play for Peterborough in England. http://www.peterborough-phantoms.com/

Im not a sniper or a great stick handler but like i said my shot has improved by 20% im dissapointed that i didnt experiment earlier!

Just seeing if anybody has anything to say on the Pronger pattern.

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If you are saying that your shot has improved in speed or accuracy by 20% I would think that could be attributed to better power transfer between the blade and the shaft.

Wood and composite materials provide a better vehicle for kinetic transfer than a gob of tape and glue.

The jerry rigging of the blade with glue and tape would make your shot unpredictable due to inconsistent flexing of the glue/tape glob as compared to wood or composite materials.

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