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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oh that crazy Lohan

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Can we all agree on the chick from 2 fast 2 furious?! :blink:

Eva Mendes?



Charlize Theron is the ultimate. Her and Kate Beckinsale. God she's so damn...cute.

You know who was hot? Marlene Dietrich. I think stars of the b&w era were so much more beautiful and graceful than today's sad sack excuses.

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Next time I'm in a slump, I'm going to announce my caffeine dependency and chronic masturbation.


What hasn't Lindsey Lohan done to get attention?

$5 says that the "drugs" done was probably a joint or something similar. Maybe took 1/4 of extacy.

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Man, Mack that statement was hilarious. I was laughing so loud. Anyway, who didn't know Lindsay was most likely on the sauce. She's out everynight, partying in clubs, you know she didn't lose the weight the old fashion way, diet and exercise. She was definitely throwing some white stuff up her nose. I hear it's a quick fix to lose weight. Ahh my hatred for actors/actresses just grows a little more each day.....

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