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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Might be a long shot but I figured some people are good with computers on here... I bought a game and I need to install directx 9.0C. Everytime I go to install I get an error that says "The cabinet file cannot be trusted", meaning who knows what. So I looked online and found some sites and tryed a few things, but nothing seems to work. Anyone else have this problem? Any help is appreciated.

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It's trying to say that it doesn't have the certificate of authenticity to install. Mind you that's pretty BS as I'm assuming you have a Windows OS, and it's a windows file.

Try uninstalling video card drivers, load DX9c (in safe mode, anti-virus off as always) reboot, do what DX needs, then when that's done, load the video card drivers in again, making sure everything is cleaned out from them.

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Not sure why but its saying I have 2 graphics cards. I do have dual monitors hooked up right now, but it shouldn't say I have two graphics cards, should it? Even when I disable the secondary monitor it still shows two graphics cards? Ill try uninstalling the drivers...

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Try replacing the .cab files with the ones from your original install disc.

Try replacing which .cab files with the ones from my install disc?

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