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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going on month long trip backpacking through europe in may and was just wondering if you guys had any tips for cheap food, accomadations, must sees, secret deals etc. I know we got some European members and maybe they have some good tips.

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Germany(munich, berlin, any other good places), Italy(modena, rome, France(paris, monaco, some other good cities in the south?, London

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Belgium is really nice from everyone I've heard. Switzerland is nice too but really pricey as is France from what I remember.

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If you go in Modena, take the train and in couple of hours you are in Venice, definitely worth to go there...

Do you planned the itinerary? Rome it's huge to visit and a little bit tricky if you dont planed everithing.

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There are lots of places in Berlin.....too many for a day actually. Maybe take a look here tourist guide There is a nice musem where the old checkpoint charlie between east and west used to be. The Alexanderplatz and Brandenburger Tor are nice, too. If you are in Berlin for more than a day you should take a tram ride to Potsdam (about 45 minutes) there is one of the nicest pallaces where some of the old german rulers like Frederick the Great used to reside. If you can get a booking I would suggest this hotel Looks wierd at first but it´s really funny and the people are friendly. Local food in Berlin are Berliner Currywurst (grilled sausages with curry flavored sauce) and Berliner Bulletten (minced meatballs).

In Munich you have to go to the Hofbräuhaus website in english here (old brewery including a huge restaurant) and the "Deutsches Museum". They have everything there including a complete WWII submarine. It´s basically a trechnical musem but it´s huge and very interesting. Regarding the food in Munich...well bavarian food in general is not my taste...You could try Weisswurst (which is a cooked saussage that has to be peeled before eating and is usually combined with sweet mustard) but you can check out the menu on that hofbräuhaus page to get an idea :blink:

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in London you might wana visit the London Eye that is pretty cool.

go to the Munich stadium i went there i couldnt believe it . better still get tickets to it !

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Might be sort of out of your way, but the Perigord region of South-West France is definitely worth a visit. If you are planning on going to Spain from the south of France it's a little out of your way to the north but it's worth it. One of the coolest towns you'll ever see is Rocamadour, which is north of Toulouse really close to Cahors. The town is completely built onto the face of a cliff, it's hard to explain what it looks like but if you image search it on google you'll be blown away. Also near there are some very famous sites of cave paintings, including Lascaux which are probably the best known in the world. Very interesting region if you are a history buff (also the main foie gras producing region of the world if you are into that).

I just got back two days ago from Barcelona, which is even more out of your way based on what you said but very ,very fun. Tons to do and tons to see, especially if you are interested in architecture like me. If you make it there make sure to go to all the Antoni Gaudi buildings (Sagrada Familia, Casa mila, Casa Batllo, and Parc Guell...if you don't know Gaudi, again google it. Very, very strange. He must have been on Mesculine). Also the Mies van der Rohe pavilion is an awesome building. Outside of the city is Girona, a very cool town with an amazing old quarter and a beuatiful cathedral. Figueres is also cool if you are into art, the Salvador Dali museum there is fantastic.

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If you are tight on money Spain would be good to hit, i found it generally cheaper than France, Italy, and Germany, and definitely cheaper than the UK. The food is also (in my opinion) the best in Europe. If you get out east Prague is very cool, unbelievable architecture because the city hasn't been seriously damaged by war in 1000 years (and it has a killer nightlife, and the Czech Republic is very cheap). Czechs just aren't so friendly...In Germany, i liked Dresden. Not worth a long stay but it is very interesting because it was completely destroyed in the war and then rebuilt over the last 50 years. I took the train from Berlin to Dresden and then on to Prague, definitely worth looking at.

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I guess local hockey matches go without saying. For most of the major cities there are tours that will take you to pretty much everywhere. I know over here (london) there are loads of options, double decker open top buses, im sure there are personal tour guides aswell.

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Between Germany and London think about Belgium.

Land of the beer B)

Over 300 different belgian beer...

More seriously : check out Brussels Grand Place (classic), Namur, Gand and Bruges.

Than take the ferry to London

Or take the Thalys (high speed train) from Brussels to Paris : 1 hour (180 mph)

Or take the Eurostar (high speed train) from Brussels to London : 2 hours

About Paris : this THE city for roller. The sidewalk are amazing. If it's not wet...

Try to be in Turin (Italy) around the 18 february : Olympic Ice Hockey Tournament. Good luck for accomodation

Anyway : if you plan to stay one or two day call me on my cell phone and we will find a free room for you ! +32 498 29 34 33

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About Paris : this THE city for roller. The sidewalk are amazing. If it's not wet...

If you can avoid the dog crap, that is.

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Wow thanks for all the tips guys. I think i am going to add that city built into the cliff into our intinerary.

On another note, is food expensive over there? I was planning on budgeting about 30 euros a day for food. Is that too little?

Me and my 3 buds will be backpacking this trip and we have the route pretty much planned. we have 21 days with our Eurorail pass on the the continent side of Europe and plan to spend 7 days in London at the end.

we are going to land in London and leave right away for brussels to amsterdam down to Heidelberg and Stuggart and Munich where we hope to catch a WorldCup game with the locals. Any good sports bars?? hehe From munich to italy passing through Innsbruck to Modena (we are all gear heads so we want to see Ferrari!) We then plan to head to Rome, but is Florence a must? We are hoping to rent some Vespas and get around that way, but everyone says its crazy to drive in Rome and that is scaring me a little hehe. After Rome we want to travel up the coast to Monaco and Nice and Marseille and experiance the south of France. From Marseille we want to TGV it to Paris for a couple days before taking the Chunnel back to London for a week.

Alot of guides mention bike rentals in the cities or should we stick to walking?

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Yes Florence is a must.

Drive in Rome? I dont suggest to do that if your not italian, expecially riding a vespa! :lol:

Beware Ferrari is in Maranello ,not Modena, it is a small town sud of Modena, 20/30 km i think.

I suggest to take a trip to Venice also, you can mainly see it in a day.

Well a long day maybe... :lol:

From Modena are 2/3 hours of train with a change in Bologna, want to see Ducati also? they are there...

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Apologies if this is a bit late, but here's my two pence....

If you're nearby, I'd recommend seeing Vienna if possible. It's a beautiful city - it's got a bit of everything. History, culture, art, food, sights.... :) You mentioned Innsbruck too, I was there in October, and it's lovely. It's a bit smaller than I expected, but it's in some quite spectacular surroundings, being in the middle of the Alps. Not far from there you've got Kitzbühel (probably better in the winter for some skiing!), and a bit further and you've got Salzburg, another great city.

Aside from there, Prague's a must IMO. Stunning, and not expensive either. Again, a lot of history there, but of a quite different kind to Vienna. There are still plenty reminders of the communist era there (go to the communist museum if you can), which are fascinating if that interests you. If not, then take in the beautiful architecture and excellent beer! I'm told that if you're down that way, Budapest's nice too...

Actually, depending on what countries your rail pass includes, you really could see quite a lot. From Italy, you could go up to western Austria, east towards Vienna, then north to Prague, then west into Germany and France.....not *that* far to travel in the grand scheme of things.

And obviously, being biased, I'd say that while you're in the UK, you should go to Scotland! Edinburgh is, IMO, the UK's prettiest urban landscape, and then you've got the Highlands... :D It may not be the easiest to get to from London (a few hours on a train, or an hour's flight. Look at easyJet.com, they fly between the two really cheaply), but it's worth it! Naturally, I'm probably biased, but you did ask!

The thing about Europe is that there is *so* much variety in a comparatively small space. As continents go, it's pretty small in size, but the number of different countries and cultures are incredible. These days are great times to see the continent - the last 15 years has seen the fall of the Iron Curtain and the wider opening of the EU, which allows for some pretty easy travel between the member states. Plus, with Interrail or EURail passes widely available....that particular part of the world is your oyster!

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