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Skate siz differences

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Hi, I would like to that how much different will a CCM size 9E skate compared to a CCM size 9.5E? and how much is the 1/2 size if measure on the ruler? thanks alot...help appreciated

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I think it's about 3/4" length. I have 9.5E Vector Pro's but actually need 9's. I have about 3/4" of room when I push my toes all the way forward.

roughly how many centimeters are the 3/4"? and wow...1/2 size bigger does make such a big diff...btw, wat shoe size are u wearin? coz i'm havin trouble choosing skates

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I think it's about 3/4" length. I have 9.5E Vector Pro's but actually need 9's. I have about 3/4" of room when I push my toes all the way forward.

roughly how many centimeters are the 3/4"? and wow...1/2 size bigger does make such a big diff...btw, wat shoe size are u wearin? coz i'm havin trouble choosing skates

I am currently wearing a pair of size 10 Chuck Taylor all star sneakers.

2.54 x .75 = 1.905cm

Oh, and always buy small, you can make a skate larger, but never smaller.

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i'm currently wearing size 11 shoe...and i can fit a size 9E (snug fit) ccm skates... does anyone know how much diff a 1/2 size bigger if measured on a ruler? 1 size = 1 inch??

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Hi, I would like to that how much different will a CCM size 9E skate compared to a CCM size 9.5E? and how much is the 1/2 size if measure on the ruler? thanks alot...help appreciated

One size would be 0,8 cm

Half size 0,4 cm

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You guys are wrong (except for Fredrik). 1 size = 1/3". So 1/2 size = 1/6". If you have 3/4" room you should be using 2.5 sizes smaller, not .5 size.

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You guys are wrong (except for Fredrik). 1 size = 1/3". So 1/2 size = 1/6". If you have 3/4" room you should be using 2.5 sizes smaller, not .5 size.

I must be wrong then. I don't think I could fit in a 7E...

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You guys are wrong (except for Fredrik).  1 size = 1/3".  So 1/2 size = 1/6".  If you have 3/4" room you should be using 2.5 sizes smaller, not .5 size.

I must be wrong then. I don't think I could fit in a 7E...

IMO i think u shud fit in 8 or 8.5E..i'm not sure but juz my suggestion..wat eva izit as long u know ur fit...so if 1inch = 2.54cm and 1 size = 0.8cm (1/3") thats means the diff btween a 9E & 9.5E skates is about 0.4cm rite?? since

1/2 size = 1/6".

damn, i need help..i'm gettin more confused...can anyone correct me if wrong...thx... :o

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That would mean you need a 7D or 7E boot. Assuming that your math is correct. I don't want to check it, weekends = no school crap, for me.

No way i can fit into a size 7...haha...i'm wearing size 9E and it snug fitting edi.....

Fredrik, if u say 1 size = 0.8cm then 1/2 size = 0.4cm rite, how do u calc if i'm wearing size 9E?

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I think it's about 3/4" length. I have 9.5E Vector Pro's but actually need 9's. I have about 3/4" of room when I push my toes all the way forward.

roughly how many centimeters are the 3/4"? and wow...1/2 size bigger does make such a big diff...btw, wat shoe size are u wearin? coz i'm havin trouble choosing skates

I am currently wearing a pair of size 10 Chuck Taylor all star sneakers.

2.54 x .75 = 1.905cm

Oh, and always buy small, you can make a skate larger, but never smaller.

U wear size 10 sneaker and wear 9.5 vector skates????????????????????

Man, your skate is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too big!!

I wear size 10.5 wide Nike Sneaker and wear 7.5 E CCM (still have room to reduce after the skate is broken in).

Trust me, a fit skates, even by a half size, makes a lot of difference.

I was wrongly fitted in size 9, size 8 skates by some idiot sales in sports shop before.

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I think it's about 3/4" length. I have 9.5E Vector Pro's but actually need 9's. I have about 3/4" of room when I push my toes all the way forward.

roughly how many centimeters are the 3/4"? and wow...1/2 size bigger does make such a big diff...btw, wat shoe size are u wearin? coz i'm havin trouble choosing skates

I am currently wearing a pair of size 10 Chuck Taylor all star sneakers.

2.54 x .75 = 1.905cm

Oh, and always buy small, you can make a skate larger, but never smaller.

U wear size 10 sneaker and wear 9.5 vector skates????????????????????

Man, your skate is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too big!!

I wear size 10.5 wide Nike Sneaker and wear 7.5 E CCM (still have room to reduce after the skate is broken in).

Trust me, a fit skates, even by a half size, makes a lot of difference.

I was wrongly fitted in size 9, size 8 skates by some idiot sales in sports shop before.

he wears size 10 sneakers and wear size 9.5 skates and it is too big...i'm wearin size 11 sneakers and size 9E CCM skates, is that ok? coz majority of the sites tell me that i shud be gettin a 9.5E CCM skate....

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he wears size 10 sneakers and wear size 9.5 skates and it is too big...i'm wearin size 11 sneakers and size 9E CCM skates, is that ok? coz majority of the sites tell me that i shud be gettin a 9.5E CCM skate....

For CCM, I believe it is 1.5 size down from your shoe size. This is just a reference point and u go from there. U are the only one who knows where your toe are when u kick back your heel.

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I think it is different for Vectors though. On the CCM website, for a 9 shoe size, you get fitted in a 6.5 size. I have a pair now and I have a tight fit and I tried on the 692's size 7 but for tacks it should be 1 and a 1/2 sizes down so the 7 did scrunch my toes so a 7.5 should fit me.

So tacks 1 and 1/2 sizes down.

Vectors 2 and a 1/2 sizes down.

ccm site www.ccmsports.com they have a fit guide but I think it is suitable for Vectors.

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Shudnt the length of a skate be standart? or izit different btween CCM TACKS and VECTOR??

Is the ccm fit guide in the ccm site accurate? i adjust the slider to my size which is size 11 shoe and its shows size 8.5 for skates..but i cant fit into a 8.5 coz i'm already having a snug fit in a size 9E in my Externo 60, but i'm planning to get Pro Tacks so same size or 1/2 size bigger?? damn this is confusing...

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Shudnt the length of a skate be standart? or izit different btween CCM TACKS and VECTOR??

Is the ccm fit guide in the ccm site accurate? i adjust the slider to my size which is size 11 shoe and its shows size 8.5 for skates..but i cant fit into a 8.5 coz i'm already having a snug fit in a size 9E in my Externo 60, but i'm planning to get Pro Tacks so same size or 1/2 size bigger?? damn this is confusing...

So is your reply - dude, is that English?

Look at that big keyboard! This isn't text messaging on your phone, my man!

(ok, this message was brought to you by the crusty cantakerous old-folk foundation) :P

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Shouldn't the length of a skate have a standard measurement? Or is it different between lines within a single company.

Is the CCM fitguide on the CCM site accurate? I adjust the slider on it to my shoe size (11) and it shows 8.5 for skates. I don't believe that I can fit into an 8.5 because I'm already wearing a pair of skates from CCM (Externo E60's) in a size 9E and they fir snugly. I wish to get a pair of Pro Tacks in the future and want to know what the correct size for me to purchase is, would it be the same size as my E60's or 1/2 size bigger?


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LOL Project_2501 !

Jino, yes, I'd say that the fit guard is accurate - at least, for Tacks. I'm a size 11.5 and wear a size 9d tack (so, your being an 11 and wearing an 8.5 makes sense to me). NOW, that being said, I have heard others say that the Externo and Vector fit a bit differently than the Tack series (although, a dude at the pro shop I frequent whom I trust says different - so, needless to say, I have heard conflicting info on this).

I can't comment as I have never worn a Vector or Externo (the early predecessor of the Vector). So, best see if you can find a pair at your LHS and try it out for size.

Someone like JR, CCM Jimmy, or Chadd would probably know if the two fit the same or not for sure.

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LOL Project_2501 !

Jino, yes, I'd say that the fit guard is accurate - at least, for Tacks. I'm a size 11.5 and wear a size 9d tack (so, your being an 11 and wearing an 8.5 makes sense to me).  NOW, that being said, I have heard others say that the Externo and Vector fit a bit differently than the Tack series (although, a dude at the pro shop I frequent whom I trust says different - so, needless to say, I have heard conflicting info on this). 

I can't comment as I have never worn a Vector or Externo (the early predecessor of the Vector).  So, best see if you can find a pair at your LHS and try it out for size.

Someone like JR, CCM Jimmy, or Chadd would probably know if the two fit the same or not for sure.

Dude, does your size 9D skates fit snuggly? Btw wat CCM model are u wearing?

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I'm wearing an 1152 tack. It fits well (except I am going to move up to an E, I think, because my foot has grown slightly over the years). I have had these for 5 years, though, and have not had any fit problems until recently.

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