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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XXX Stick' UM OPS

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Was bauer going to come out with a XXX Stick'Um OPS before the Lite came out? My LHS had a Navy blue to red fade Vapor XXX that said Stick'UM on it.Ive seen acouple of these sticks on eBay too. I was just wondering if anyone had any info on it.

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No its not the USA XXX lite. I've seen these sticks aswell on ebay. USA XXX lite looks the same as Canada's but with blue and an American Flag.

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The Bauer Vapor XXX already has stick-um on it, no?

Yes it did,but they also had the regular XX with stick'um grip,then the XX Max stick'Um.So they might of thought of the same idea for the XXX,but instead of this they made the Lite instead. And no it was not a USA XXX Lite as it wasnt white/black with Blue X,its was Navy/Red with Chrome X.

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